Mundane Astrology

The principle of astrology can not only be applied to horoscopes of living being such as humans and animals but also anything else in this world such as nations, institutions, organisations, associations etc. We should appreciate the fact that everything in this world is only temporary, it can be marked by a specific time when it came into existence and there would also be a time when it will cease to exist. In this world of maya numerous things are created and destroyed every momenet and all such things can be analysed using astrological principles. This can be done because essentially everything in this manifested universe can be mapped to 12 signs and 9 planets based on the underlying forces of 5 elements. One should note however that the signs represent the immobile aspect whereas the planets represents the mobile (living) aspects of the things under consideration.

The mentioned things can be analysed by creating a horoscope at the moment of commencement of the thing. For instance, the nation's events can be prognosicated using horoscope casted at the moment of independence, while the election of leaders etc. can be seen from the horoscope casted at the moment of commencement of the constitution which gives the authority to elect rulers. Thus one must understand the chart needs to be seen based on the nature of events to be studied from it. Although the astroligical classics gives the framework for analysing mundane horoscopes, one must have considerable experience in natal horoscopy before venturing into mundane charts.

Like all events in the natal horoscopy be associated with the 12 houses of the zodiac, similarly in the mundane horoscopy there are associations of various things with vaarious houses. If one studies them carefully they can see the strong parallel between the associations in natal and mundane horoscopy. For instance, in the natal horoscope 2nd house is the house of wealth; similarly, in the mundance horoscopey 2nd house governs over the revenue of the state/ organisation, finance and commerce. The things represented by various houses in the mundane astrology is given below:

1st house: 1st house is the house of self and governs over the personality of the native as well as overall strength and weaknesses. Thus in the mundane horoscopy it govens general affairs of the state, the constitution, public health and well being, state policies as well as the condition of the cabinet.

2nd house: 2nd house is the house of family and wealth. In mundane astrology it governs over revenue and wealth of the state and people, imports, taxation and other means earning revenue. It also rules over allies being the house ruling family.

3rd house: 3rd house is the house of siblings, communications and courage. Thus in mundane horoscopy, it rules over various modes of communications such as internet, telephone, postal, newspapers and all ways of transportation such as land, sea and air transport. Since it rules over siblings, it also governs over relations with the neighbouring nations.

4th house: 4th house is the house of happiness, education, landed property and vehicles. In mundane astrology, it governs over all educational institutions such as schools, colleges, universities, general conditions of education, the conditions of teaching and students. It also governs over general happiness and peace and also land assets and properties. It also rules over agriculture and agro based industries.

5th house: 5th house is the house of love, subconcious mind (mental harmony), creation, progeny and power. In mundane astrology, it governs over the mentality of the rulers, birth rate and population, crime and punishment, entertainment and amusement.

6th house: 6th house is the house of loans, diseases and enemies. Thus in mundane astrology, it governs over state loans and debts, diseases of the rulers and people, friendship and enmity with people within and other states, territorial attacks and battles, armed, air and naval forces and other means of war such as arms and ammunitions.

7th house: 7th house is the house of relationship and marriage. In mundane astrology, this house governs health of women (creative force), morality or immorality in terms of sexual relationships and foreign relations. Being the house opposite to the lagna, it also governs over war.

8th house: 8th house is the house of defects and death. In mundane astrology, it govenrs over the death rate, guarantees and insurances.

9th house: 9th house is the house of righteous deeds, religiousity and guidance from the elders. In mundane astrology, it governs over all religious shrines such as temples, churches, mosques etc. as well as general religiousness or irreligiousness. It also governs over all such people who guide general public such as priests, astrologers and preachers and also the whole judicial system such as court, judges, lawers and the law of the land.

10th house: 10th house is the house of activities and authority. In the mundane astrology, this house governs over the rulers or head of the state, the parliament or the constitutional body governing the state's public policy, the kind of authority of the ruler such as autocracy, democracy etc. This also rules over the activities of the state such as machinary to collect taxes and revenues, the machinary to implement and monitor public policy such as bereucracy, police etc. This also governs over other activities such as trade and commerce, exports etc. Change of ruler through elections, coup or revolutions can also be seen from this house.

11th house: 11th house is the house of gain and friends. Thus in mundane astrology, this include various forms of gains and income from world trade and also friendly ties with other nations.

12th house: 12th house is the house of losses, secret enemies and hospitals. Thus in mundane astrology it governs over all forms of secret things such as espionage, secret service, conspiracies and secret plots, secret crimes. This also governs hospitals, clinics and any other forms of medical institutions (such as healing, yoga etc), public health administration such as vaccination, various forms of medical approaches such as homeopathy, allopathy, ayurveda, yoga and alternate medicines (naturopathy, accupuncture, accupressure etc). Being the house of loss it governs over various forms of losses (such as war and other forms of natural and man-made disasters), expenditure and donations (such as charitable donations to needy nations).
