Vedic Numerology III: Composite Numbers

After we have understood about the planets influencing different single digit numbers, we can extend their meaning to understand the composite numbers. However, we must understand that the composite numbers are like Jyotish Yogas, whereby the natural nature of the single digits undergo substantial changes to indicate completely different aspects as compared to their natural nature. To understand this we must know how each planets are disposed towards each other and can be read from any standard Jyotish Book. It is not possible to explain the meaning of each and every number as they extend to infinity. However, I shall try here to give some principles, which would help understanding the composite numbers.

Principle 1: Study the effect of the composite numbers as yoga of two or more planets.

Principle 2: The unit digit (the digit in the right-hand most side) lead the whole number. The subsequent numbers takes the subsequent leadership position in tenth, hundredth position and such order. This is equivalent to strength of a planet in any combination. 

Principle 3: the root controls the basic nature of the number. Adding up the digits of a number until a single digit is obtained can identify the root. Expunging multiples of nine from the number also gives the root of the composite number. For example to arrive at the root of 987 we add the digits 9+8+7 and arrive at 24; adding the digits again 2+4, we arrive at 6, which become the root of the number. The root shows the basic drive or outcome of the number.

Principle 4: While analysing each of the digits consider the true nature of the number, however while interpreting the root, consider the planet who rules the perception of that number. With regards to the root number, while the true planet shall show the drive, the perception planet shall show the outcome.
Principle 5: The house where the number is placed governs the environment, where the root would operate. The meaning of a number can also be derived, by placing the root number in the governing house. To arrive at the house governed by a number, expunge multiples of 12 from the number.

Principle 6: This is a self-discovering exercise and each number has it own peculiarity derived from the intermingling of the real nature, the perception, the root and the governing house. One must try finding all the inter-relationships to attain mastery on this science of vedic-numeroloy

0 is represented by Lagna and is the leader among these two digits. This means that this number gives a lot of focus on the self (lagna) and shows egoistic tendencies. 1 is represented by Sun and hence the meaning of the composite number can be understood from understanding Sun’s placement in the Lagna. This shows leadership quality, irritable nature, generosity etc.

The root of the number is 1, represented by Sun and the house arrived at is 10. Hence this shows that persons influenced by this number will attain fame and reputation. However, since zero, the leading number also represents emptiness, they shall prone to feel emptiness in their endeavors and many times, their work efforts ends up without achieving anything substantial.

11: Both the digits are ruled by Sun, however the root is ruled by Moon. This number is considered to be a very auspicious number, as the fire and brilliance of two Sun’s digits are smoothened by Moon, the ruler of the Root no. This number is often used for making monetary donations for charity and religious causes (Sun) and which make the native feel protected (Moon).

12: This is also considered to be a auspicious number as it is led by Moon and the root is that of Jupiter. Since Jupiter is the governor of Sun- Moon Yoga in Panchanga analysis and represent relationship matters, this number is particularly auspicious in those areas. This also gives knowledge of all forms as signified by the Dwadas Jyotirlingam (Jupiter), where both Sun and Moon are the significator of Shiva, the form of Rameswaram and Somnatha, one worshipped by Rama and the other by Krishna. Hence this is also known for the number which can give new life.

13: Almost all traditions of world consider this to be the most inauspicious number. This is because although, both the numbers are ruled by Two fierty planets Sun with  Mars leading, the root is governed by Rahu. This shows eclipse of Sun, representing shadowing of the Dharma. Since Mars is leading, it shows aggression and violence is leading while Sun, righteousness and justice is taking a back seat. While both of these planets rule Fiery elements, Mars is more of Tamasik (Ignorance), while Sun is that of Sattvik kind. The influence of the fiery elements and the strength of the Tamasik nature, this number shows, revolution, which can throw the established practices of the world or existing kingdom or governance (Sun), however with deception (Rahu). The only solution to get over this number is Worshipping Dakshinamurty, one who has the power to get the soul (Sun) out of the clutches of darkness of ignorance (Rahu).  
14: Mercury represent the true nature of the number is in lead with Sun sitting behind. The root of this number is governed by Jupiter(True) and Mercury (perception). This number is known for the potency of gaining knowledge. Sun represent the source of all knowledge whereas Mercury represents a student. Thus this number represent a student who is putting all his effort (mercury in lead) to gain whatever he can. The root being governed by Jupiter, the real drive behind this effort of the student is to become knowledgeable. The planet ruling perception related to the root is also Mercury, which shall bestow the attitude of a seeker throughout.


Anonymous said…
dear sarajit

the number posts are very interesting. but where and how can one use these numbers? the birthdate or the chart?


Varahamihira said…
Dear Rohini,

Please keep visiting the site as I shall update the ways the numbers can effect us in all part of our life. I mostly use this in conjuncttion to the horosope and vedic-astrology. However, I am sure this has other uses. One good book on this subject is by Harish Johari. What I may say is that, this subject is a never ending exploration.

Best wishes
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