Vipareeta Rajayoga I
Rajayoga means the combination promising powers and positions and comprised of Raja meaning, kingly and yoga meaning combination. The normal rajayogas are formed in a horoscope by the association (exchange, conjunction, mutual aspect) of the Kendra (quadrant) and Trikona (Trine) lords. The highest among them is the dharmakarmadhipati yoga, which is formed by the association of the 9th and the 10th lord.
(b) be very strong in Kendra/Trikona and simultaneously transfer the power to the Lord of Lagna (or Atmakaraka) by conjunction or aspect. Unless this transfer of the power of the VRY occurs, the native himself may not rise but will benefit due to the rise of another person.
The results of the situations of VRY in the two cases is grossly different. In the first case, the native rises due to the death/ downfall of an enemy whereas in the latter situation the native rises after the death/downfall of an ally or friend. The significations of the planets conjoining the VRY maybe destroyed in this process.

However the vipareeta rajayogas are somewhat different from the normal rajayogas as mentioned above. The term vipareeta imply reversal of something. Hence, these rajayogas are formed due to downfall of someone, based on which the native's fortune is reversed. The downfall can be of an enemy or a someone near to the native, however the combinations are somewhat different for both circumstances.
VRY from Dusthana Lords
1. Vipareeta Rajyoga (VRY) is caused by the conjunction of the lords of Dusthana (evil houses 3rd, 6th, 8th & 12th ). Since the lords of the evil houses conjoin, they end up damaging each other and the native benefits. Thus, VRY implies coming to power/ gains due to the downfall or death of another. This can bring sudden legacies, rapid rise to power and position and other such gains that are basically, not sustainable over a long period of time.
The important condition for the fructification of this Rajyoga is that the planets involved should either-
1. Vipareeta Rajyoga (VRY) is caused by the conjunction of the lords of Dusthana (evil houses 3rd, 6th, 8th & 12th ). Since the lords of the evil houses conjoin, they end up damaging each other and the native benefits. Thus, VRY implies coming to power/ gains due to the downfall or death of another. This can bring sudden legacies, rapid rise to power and position and other such gains that are basically, not sustainable over a long period of time.
The important condition for the fructification of this Rajyoga is that the planets involved should either-
(a) be weak by placement in a Dusthana (evil houses 3rd, 6th, 8th & 12th ) or in debility in Rasi/Navamsa
(b) be very strong in Kendra/Trikona and simultaneously transfer the power to the Lord of Lagna (or Atmakaraka) by conjunction or aspect. Unless this transfer of the power of the VRY occurs, the native himself may not rise but will benefit due to the rise of another person.
The results of the situations of VRY in the two cases is grossly different. In the first case, the native rises due to the death/ downfall of an enemy whereas in the latter situation the native rises after the death/downfall of an ally or friend. The significations of the planets conjoining the VRY maybe destroyed in this process.
VRY from Saturn
2. It is evident from the above that the giver of Vipareeta Rajyoga is Saturn, more so since he is the natural significator of the Dusthana. Thus, VRY can also be caused if Saturn becomes a Yogakaraka (for Taurus & Libra Lagna) and is placed in a Dusthana in debility/weak. However, it is important that other planets should not conjoin this, else their significations could be destroyed.
2. It is evident from the above that the giver of Vipareeta Rajyoga is Saturn, more so since he is the natural significator of the Dusthana. Thus, VRY can also be caused if Saturn becomes a Yogakaraka (for Taurus & Libra Lagna) and is placed in a Dusthana in debility/weak. However, it is important that other planets should not conjoin this, else their significations could be destroyed.
VRY from Arudha Lagna (AL)
3. Coming to the Arudha Lagna (AL), the rules are slightly different. Benefic planets placed in the 3rd/6th house from AL in strength in Rasi give spirituality (Success in spiritual life) whereas malefic planets so placed give Parakrama (Victory in material life). However, if the benefic planets placed in the 3rd/6th house are weak by being in debility/ in Rasi/Navamsa, then they will cause Vipareeta Rajyoga and will result in elevation in this material world. On the other hand if the malefic planets in the 3rd/6th from AL are weak or debilitated in Rasi/Navamsa, they will cause Vipareeta Pravrajya yoga and the native will become spiritual. [Timing] In both cases, this Yoga will function simultaneously with the death or downfall of the persons indicated by the lordship or signification of the planet involved in the Yoga.
3. Coming to the Arudha Lagna (AL), the rules are slightly different. Benefic planets placed in the 3rd/6th house from AL in strength in Rasi give spirituality (Success in spiritual life) whereas malefic planets so placed give Parakrama (Victory in material life). However, if the benefic planets placed in the 3rd/6th house are weak by being in debility/ in Rasi/Navamsa, then they will cause Vipareeta Rajyoga and will result in elevation in this material world. On the other hand if the malefic planets in the 3rd/6th from AL are weak or debilitated in Rasi/Navamsa, they will cause Vipareeta Pravrajya yoga and the native will become spiritual. [Timing] In both cases, this Yoga will function simultaneously with the death or downfall of the persons indicated by the lordship or signification of the planet involved in the Yoga.
Other Conditions
In matters of strength, mere Sthana Bala (Positional strength) is not adequate. If the planet involved is placed in an inimical position from the ruling planet of the Arudha Lagna, it will be destroyed. For this purpose, besides Graha Sambandha (Relationship of planets), the Pachakadi Sambandha should be determined. Timing can be done both from Vimsottari as well as Narayana Dasa or any other suitable Phalita Dasa.
Pachakadi Sambandha has been explained by Sri Vyankatesha Sarma in his monumental classic "SARVARTHA CHINTAMANI" in the stanza 1.119 to 1.132. This must be understood to be applied effectively in the determination of friends & foes in the chart and is beyond the scope of this article.
Finally, the Hora Lagna and Ghatika Lagna should be carefully examined as per the rules given by Parasara in "Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra" and Maharishi Jaimini in his famous "Upadesa Sutra" to confirm the nature of the Rajyoga.
In matters of strength, mere Sthana Bala (Positional strength) is not adequate. If the planet involved is placed in an inimical position from the ruling planet of the Arudha Lagna, it will be destroyed. For this purpose, besides Graha Sambandha (Relationship of planets), the Pachakadi Sambandha should be determined. Timing can be done both from Vimsottari as well as Narayana Dasa or any other suitable Phalita Dasa.
Pachakadi Sambandha has been explained by Sri Vyankatesha Sarma in his monumental classic "SARVARTHA CHINTAMANI" in the stanza 1.119 to 1.132. This must be understood to be applied effectively in the determination of friends & foes in the chart and is beyond the scope of this article.
Finally, the Hora Lagna and Ghatika Lagna should be carefully examined as per the rules given by Parasara in "Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra" and Maharishi Jaimini in his famous "Upadesa Sutra" to confirm the nature of the Rajyoga.
In the following Horoscope, the following Vipareeta Rajayogas are present:
- 3rd co-lord Rahu is placed in the 12th house in debility with debilitated 8th lord Moon
- 3rd lord Saturn is placed in the 7th house in dikbala aspecting the Lagna and the Atmakaraka.
- The 6th lord Venus is placed in the 8th house, in papakartari and dispositor debilitated.
- The 8th lord Moon, placed in the 12th house, debilitated.
- The 12th Co-Lord Ketu is placed in the 6th house in debility.
- The 12th lord Mars is placed in the 9th house in strength and aspecting the Lagna, being the Atmakaraka.
Lagna_: Venus , Ketu, Gul
7th - Mar, Jup, Rahu
8th- Sat
12th- Sun, Moon, Mer
Planetary Positions
Lag 315 * 20', Sun 273 * 37', Moo 277 * 22', Mar 141 * 44', Mer 271 * 33', Jup 135 * 51', Ven 308 * 53', Sat 153 * 19', Rah 127 * 29', Ket 307 * 29',
Birth Star: Uttara Ashada (UTHARADAM)