The Karakas II
I have compiled this list of planetary characteristics from various classics. This shall help you in gaining better understanding of the planets and use them in predictions. The suffix at various places indicate the classics used for the compilation. They are as follows BPHS: Brhat Parasari Hora Shastra BJ: Brhat Jataka HS: Hora Sara SV: Saravali PD: Phaladeepika JP: Jataka Parijata DA: Dasa Adhyayi PM: Prasna Margam ************************************************************* THE SUN Names: Heli, Surya (BJ); Aditya, Arka, Ravi, Bhanu, Bhaskara. Divakara, Marthanda, Savita, Teekshnamsu and Ina (HS) Nature: Malefic Gender: Masculine Appearance & Disposition: Sūrya’s eyes are honey-coloured. He has a square body. He is of clean habits, bilious, intelligent and has limited hair (on his head) (BPHS); Well proportioned body, is bilious and possesses pingala (tawny) eyes, has short hairs (BJ); Sun’s body is square; his eyes are pink in colour and he has sparse hair on his body and he...