Tropical or Sidereal Zodiac
Many astrologers throughout the world use the Tropical zodiac which is most commonly named as western system of astrology. It has been a topic of curiosity why are supposed to be different and what is the basis of the difference. What is the implication on various factors on astrological divination, while we use either of them. Let me try to address this issue... Tropical zodiac is based on the Earth's yearly movement around the Sun. The movement of earth around the is the cause of change of seasons. Can you say why? This is because of the tilt of Earth which is 23d 27m from the vertical axis. If the tilt was not there there there would not be any change of season. While the earth moves around the sun, the tilt changes with respect to the ecliptic (the plane of Sun and Earth's orbit). During spring and autumn, when the day and night are the same, the tilt with respect to the ecliptic is zero. While during the Summer, the hemisphere which has summer would tilt towards the fa...