Astakavarga: A snapshot

The following section provides methods to judge a horoscope with the help of Astakavarga. These are taken from Immortal Classic Prasna Margam and give vital clues to judge the horoscope of a native with a holistic view. I am sure the readers would not find it difficult to understand as they are pretty clear and concise.

In the sarvastakavarga, signs having more than 30 bindus can be said to be the best (srestha); those getting between 25 and 30 - middling (madyama) and those below 25- worst (kasta). The best sign should be selected for all good work, journey etc. worst sign should be avoided. Person born in best signs can be taken for association. They will bring in good. Persons born in worst sign will be source of distress.

Judging Volume of Income and Expenditure
1. The sum total of the bindus in the 2nd, 4th, 9th, 10th and 11th is known as Vittya. If the total exceeds 164, the native will be prosperous, otherwise his expenses would be high. If the value exactly equals 164, then the expenses would equal to the income.

2. The sum total of bindus in the 6th, 8th and the 12th houses is known as Teertha. If is is less than 76, income will be greater. However, if it exceeds 76, expenses would be greater. If it is 76, expenses would equal to the income.

Minimum number of Bindus requires for prosperity of a Bhava
In the sarvastakavarga, the minimum number of bindus required are:
Lagna: 25; 2nd: 22; 3rd: 29; 4th: 24; 5th: 25; 6th: 34; 7th: 19; 8th: 24; 9th: 29; 10th: 36; 11th: 54; 12th: 16

If the number of bindus exceed the number mentioned above the bhava is strenthened. It is desired that the number in the good bhavas namely Lagna, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th, 11th should be more than the number mentioned whereas the number in the 6th, 8th or 12th should be lesser to be free from enmity/diseases/accidents etc; weaknesses/ debt etc and excessive expenses respectively.

For a bhava to be really fruitful, the bhava must be aspected/ associated by the lord and/ or the karaka and/or the benefics. Along with this subhakartari yoga and placement of benefics in the kendra or kona from the bhava is also fruitful.

Judging Paternal Wealth
4th house is very important for Paternal wealth as it is the 8th house of inheritence from the house of father, namely the ninth house. This house along with the house of wealth, the second house, should have secured more than the minimum number of bindus for the native to be benefitted from paternal inheritence. Along with good bindus, the houses should not be afflicted by malefics and be fortified by benefics.

Judging Self-earned wealth
10th house is the house of activity and fame, whereas the 11th is the house of gain of objectives as well as money. If the 10th house is fortified with good bindus (more than minimum stated) and influence of benefics, then the person earns vast wealth with self exertion. Similarly when 11th house is so fortified, then the native earns wealth commensurating the effort or even more.

Judging volume of Income and Expenditure
If the bindus in the 11th are greater than those in the 12th house, one will become wealthy; if they are less, then he will be poor. If the bindus in the 11th are more than the 10th, the native gains commensurating his effort, if not, then it would be lesser than the effort put in.

Friends and Foes
The sum of bindus of the four trines (dharma, artha, kama, moksha) go by a specific name, the relationship between these set of houses give some vital clues on different areas of life. The specific set of houses are as follows

Bandhuka: Sum of bindus of Lagna, 5th and 9th (Dharma Trikona). Bandhuka is derived from the word, bandhu, which means friends.
Sevaka: Sum of bindus of 2nd, 6th and 10th (Artha Trikona). Sevaka means servants or the attitude to serve others.
Poshaka: Sum of bindus of 3rd, 7th and 11th (Kama Trikona). Poshaka means the sustainer.
Ghataka: Sum of bindus of 4th, 8th and 12th (Moksha Trikona). Ghataka means one who causes affliction.

If the Ghataka number is highest, the native would be miserably poor. However, if it is less than Poshaka, then he would be wealthy. If the Bandhuka number is high, then the native will get help from friends, relatives, kith and kins. Similarly, if sevaka is high, then the person benefits from service or serving others. Thus the order of the four entities should be

Poshaka > Bandhuka > Sevaka > Ghakata

Judging Three Parts of Life
Method 1:
First Part: Sum of bindus of signs from Pisces to Gemini
Second Part: Sum of bindus of signs from Cancer to Libra
Last Part: Sum of bindus of signs from Scorpio to Aquarius

The part of life marked by highest bindus indicate period of happiness and prosperity. On the contrary, the past having least number of bindus is marked by misery and diseases.

Method 2:
The Kendra, Panaphara and Apoklima rules the three parts of life namely the first, second and the last part. The sum total of bindus in these houses shall show prosperity in the concerned part of life.

Judging Materialistic and Spiritualistic Nature
Everyone in this world can broadly categorised into two categories, one who are driven towards material pursuits of wealth, power, pride etc and the others who are directed towards simple living, introspection, philanthropy and charity. This can be indicated by two sets of houses called the antarbhaga, which represent the spiritualistic kind and the bahirbhaga, which represent the materialistic kind.

Antarbhaga: Sum of bindus of kona (5/9), Kendra (1/4/7/10)
Bahirbhaga: Sum of bindus other than the kona and the kendras (2/3/6/8/11/12)

Judging Years of Misfortune

Find the total the bindus from-
The Ascendant to Saturn
Saturn to the Ascendant
The Ascendant to Mars
Mars to the Ascendant

In each case multiply the sum by 7 and divide the product by 27. The quotient will indicate the age when the native will be afflicted by diseases and other misfortunes.

In the year represented by the bindus in the unfavourable house occupied by Rahu, the native will be affected by poison. Similarly the age shown by Mars will witness surgical operation, and the age shown by Saturn will indicate diseases and miseries. Thus if a house is afflicted by malefic in the horoscope, the effect of such affliction would be shown in the life of a person in the year shown by the sign, where the planet causing affliction is placed.


Anonymous said…
Welcome back, Please keep writing.
Anonymous said…
I found that the Ashtakavarga calculations don't work for my horoscope. I don't know whether that is because the software (JHoralite) is showing wrong bindus.

Could you write on the effects of combustion and rasi sandhi?
Sanjay P said…
Dear Sarajit,
Nice articles, I sometimes miss reading you old articles.
Is it possible you send mail (can be automatic setting in blogspot)
to Vedic-Astrology and Varahamihra list?
Thank you
Warm Regards
Sanjay P
Varahamihira said…
Hi Guys,
Thank you very much for your appreciation.
Anonymous said…
Hi Sarabjit,
Please dont stop writing. We have now got addicted to quality stuff.
Will it be possible for you to send a copy of your articles as and when they are put on web to the requiring persons. It will be the greatest favour of yours to us all.
Keep up good work ! ! !


Anonymous said…
Dear Mr Sarjit,

Your article is very informative and thanks for the same but it would have been still better if calculation of bindus for each bhava is also explained.


( Radhamohan B )
Anonymous said…

results based on Astakavarga bindus are rarely working perfectly. for example B.V. raman in his book on astakavarga has given a principle that the approximate age of marriage of an individual would be the equal to the number of bindus available in the rasi occupied by venus. this rarely works. i have given only one example to quote, mostly the principles given for astakavarga based predictions are not working. however, it is best suited for judge the transit results and muhurta.
I think for the purpose of prediction on the bindus there is some missing link which is not being deciphered. can u please given me some idea.
Anonymous said…
good, keep writing

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