Death causing Transits

Saturn's Transits
  1. When Saturn Passes through the house occupied by the 8th or the 12th lord from the lagna, Death occurs. Passage of Saturn through these houses or their trines reckoned from any other house result in destruction of that house.
  2. Saturn’s transit of the sign or the trine occupied by the lord of the 22nd Decanate or Mandi brings about death.
  3. When Saturn passes through the rasi and navamsa or their trine obtained from subtracting the longitude of Saturn from that of Mandi, Death is likely.
  4. Saturn’s transit through the sign or the trine obtained from the sum of longitudes of 6th, 8th and 12th lords brings death.
  5. Saturn’s transit of the sign as far removed from Mandi as Mandi is from the 8th lord is also a fateful transit.
  6. Add the longitudes of the five upagrahas headed by Dhuma, and note the Decanate of the resulting sign. When Saturn arrives this decanate of the sign, the death is indicated.
  7. Add the longitudes of Mandi and Saturn. Multiply the sum by 9. Note the resulting sign and Navamsa. When Saturn arrives this sign and amsa, the event may take place.
  8. Find the weakest of the three sets of planets, viz.(1) Lords of the 8th houses counted from the Lagna and the Moon (2) Lord of the 22nd decanate (3) The Moon and Mandi. Note the Navamsa occupied by that planet. When Saturn arrives at this amsa or its trine, death is likely.
  9. Note the sign which happens to be the Navamsa occupied by the lord of the Lagna See how far it is removed from Aries; count so many signs from the 8th lord. When Saturn comes to this sign, death is likely.
  10. For the Night birth death is likely during the transit of Saturn through a trine of the sign occupied by Mandi at birth; and for day birth it is 7th house from above.
  11. Again for the Night birth the event may occur when Saturn passes through the sign and Amsa occupied by the Moon or Mandi; and for Day birth, when she passes through the sign and Amsa occupied by the Sun or the 5th, 7th or 9th from that.
Jupiter's Transit
  1. Jupiter’s transit through the sign occupied by the 8th lord or its trine.
  2. Jupiter’s transit through the sign or the trine obtained from the sum of longitudes of Lagna, the Sun and Mandi causes death.
  3. When Jupiter crosses the rasi indicated by the sum of the longitudes of Jupiter and Rahu or through its trines, death can be expected.
Sun's Transit
  1. When the Sun comes to the sign and the amsa obtained from sum of the the longitudes of Mandi and the Lagna, death may happen.
  2. When Sun transits the dwadasamsa he occupies in Rasi or the Navamsa occupied by the 8th lord or the Navamsa occupied by Lagna lord or the Trines of any one of these signs, death may be apprehended.
  3. Passage of Sun through the 6th, the7th or the12th house from Venus indicate death.
  4. The solar month of death would be identical with the sign occupied by the 8th lord.
Moon's Transit
  1. When the Moon crosses the Rasi or Navamsa by the 8th lord or the Sun or their trines, death is likely.
  2. Moon’s passage through the sign indicated by the sum of Mandi and Moon.
  3. Moon’s passage through the sign occupied by the lord of 22nd decanate reckoned from the Moon or through the trines of these houses.
  4. Transit of the Moon through the Lagna, the 8th or the 12th house also cause death.
Other Transits
  1. Find out the Navamsa, Dwadasamsa and the Decanate occupied by Mandi. The transit of Jupiter through the sign indicated by the Navamsa; of Saturn through that of dwadasamsa and the Sun through the one or its trine indicated by the Decanate indicates death. The lagna denoted by the Sum of the Lagna, the Moon and the Mandi indicates the time of Death.
  2. The Lagna at the time of death will be the sign obtained from the sum of the longitudes fo the Lagna, Mandi and the Moon.


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