Analysis of Bhava VI- Planets in the Second House

The 2nd house is primarily for Accumilated wealth (karaka Jupiter); accumulated wealth (karaka Moon) and Application of knowledge (since this is tenth from fifth house); Speech (karaka Mercury); Eyes (karaka Sun) or Face (Karaka Sun) Malefics placed in this house adversely affect these significations.

Checking the argala perspective, planets placed in the 2nd house would have argala on the Lagna bhava (dharnargala); Fourth house (Labhargala) and Eleventh house (sukhargala). Malefics placed in this house affect the significations of these houses adversely, while benefics placed in second house, enhance the said houses.

Healthy; Immensely Wealthy; Aquire wealth due to the grace of ruler/ govt.; Learned in shastras; Wise; Good eye sight; Good reputation/ fame

Egoistis; Devoid of wealth; Loss of wealth due to wrath of Government; Diseases in Face/ Mouth; Eye diseases; Lack of Intelligence; Devoid of knowledge of shastras; Ill health; Domestic disharmony (conflict with kith and kins on account of spouse); Stammer (association with Mercury and the 2nd lord is weak); Trouble to Children.

Handsome; Glorious; Wealthy; Complacent; Knowlegeable; Large family; Attached to the family; Soft spoken; Endowed with material comforts.

Speech troubles; Passionate; Stupid and Uneducated.

Gain wealth; Well educated; Good eye sight and Defeat his enemies.

Lack of education; Eye troubles such as cataract, defective eyesight or night blindness; Eat stale food; Ugly face; Speech defects; In company of mean people; Stupid and Miser.

Many children; Talkative; Educated; Well versed in shastras; Determined; Contented; Wealthy; Virtuous; Distinction in academic pursuits; Financial gains; Proficient in Mathematics (aspected by Jupiter); Poetic; Intelligent; Soft spoken; Fond of good food and drinks; Famous; Highly moral; Orator; Generous; Fond of luxurious living;

Uneducated; Suffer from windy troubles;

Handsome; Intelligent; Eloquent; Sweet tongued; Soothsayer (Whatever he says comes true); Prosperous; Wealthy; Fond of good food; Fond of luxuries; Charitable; Fond of poetry; Well versed in administrative matters

Difficulties in education; Have thieving inclination; Liar and vulgar speech; Drunkard; Immoral; Destroyer of family; Relations with other’s wives; Childless; Talkative; Difficulties in accumulate wealth

Attractive eyes; Wealthy; Prosperous family; Get good food; Humble nature; Kind hearted; Helpful to others; Eloquent/ sweet tongued/ Humble in speech; Wealthy; Poetic; Enjoy good food/ drinks; Glorious; Enjoy luxuries; Enjoy company of women; Intelligent; Handsome/ decently dressed

Eye troubles (lord weak/ afflicted); Night blindness (associate with Moon)

In charge of a religious institution; Earn in foreign land /becomes wealthy in foreign land

Suffer poverty/ Deprived of wealth by the king; Remarriage; Possess no lands; Suffer eye troubles; Suffer diseases in face; Ugly in appearance; Harsh speech; Detaches himself from the family to move to foreign land

Rahu is inimical to the Karaka of the house Jupiter (wealth) or Family and being a malefic can cause distress in these areas.

Financially successful in the business related to fish, meat or restaurant; Harsh tongue/ shocking speech; Diplomatic speech.

Thieving habits; Low sinful deeds

The native is inclined towards arts and literature; Sweet tongued

Troubles to eyes and throat


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